For many men, a beard is an indispensable attribute of freedom and masculinity. Especially in recent times, we see that wearing a beard is gaining popularity among various age groups. And for some, it is not only a spectacular expression of their image, but can also hide various shortcomings of external attractiveness. If you have problems with your beard, you should to do beard transplant in Turkey.
In the process of growing a beard or mustache, some men may encounter unexpected problems, namely patches of baldness in the chin, cheeks and upper lip.
Baldness, or alopecia, is characterized by excessive hair loss with thinning or hairless areas.
All alopecias are divided into 2 large groups.
Non-scarring alopecia
The most common form of hair loss, in which the loss is unstable and, as a rule, reversible. There are 4 main types of beard alopecia:
Alopecia areata
The causes of this disease are not fully understood; most experts attribute this manifestation to a pathology of the immune system.
The disease occurs spontaneously; areas of baldness can have different localizations, including, in addition to the face, the scalp. As a rule, these areas are round in shape and vary in size and quantity. At the same time, apart from a cosmetic defect, a person, as a rule, does not have any subjective complaints.
The trigger (trigger mechanism) of this condition can be stress, physical or mental stress, as well as the consequence of a severe illness.
In more than 20% of cases, lesions can heal on their own without specific treatment. For long-term lesions, when they increase in size or new spots appear, the help of a specialist is required.
Treatment for alopecia areata depends on the stage of the hair loss process. In the active phase, anti-inflammatory drugs are used, including glucocorticosteroid drugs in the form of external lotions, creams or injections.
In the phase when the process of hair loss has stabilized, it is necessary to stimulate hair restoration; for this purpose, irritants (banal alcohol tincture of pepper), multivitamin compositions are used externally or by injection.
Recently, the PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) technique has proven highly effective .
A very important point in the treatment of alopecia areata is the fight against stress. Inadequate perception of a cosmetic defect in alopecia areata can lead to a depressive state, which aggravates the severity of the disease. It is necessary to harmonize the work and rest regime, normalize sleep, and in certain situations the help of a specialist psychologist may be required.
Alopecia due to fungal skin lesions - dermatomycosis
It is characterized by the appearance in the beard area of round itchy spots with clear boundaries with a red rim along the entire diameter; in the center of such rashes there is inflammation of the skin and remnants of hair in the form of stumps. The disease is highly contagious (infectious) in nature. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene, since the spread of fungal infection occurs through contact. A mycological examination of the skin is mandatory to determine the type of pathogen.
The main priority in treatment is skin sanitation; for this, broad-spectrum antifungal drugs are used (Nizoral, Lamisil). In the vast majority of cases, the use of such therapy allows one to obtain a good cosmetic effect.
Seborrheic alopecia
This problem occurs against the background of impaired maturation of skin cells and dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, leading to inflammation. Seborrheic dermatitis is accompanied by itching and manifests itself in the form of swelling, redness of the skin, as well as the presence of wet and dry scales.
Symptomatic hair loss
Among the main reasons:
- unbalanced diet: deficiency of protein, vitamins, minerals;
- consequences of various infectious diseases;
- endocrine diseases (thyroid pathology);
- severe diabetes mellitus;
- inflammatory skin diseases;
- sign of secondary syphilis;
- taking various medications (hormonal drugs, immunosuppressants, cytostatics).
If you notice signs of beard baldness, you should not panic, because, as mentioned earlier, stress and depression negatively affect the course of the disease. It is worth contacting a specialist , since modern treatments in most cases help solve the problem.
Scarring alopecia
Persistent irreversible baldness due to skin damage (thermal, chemical, mechanical).
Regardless of the depth of the skin lesion, and scars can be both superficial and deep, the hair follicle is destroyed.
With this kind of baldness, conservative treatment methods are ineffective; the only way to solve the problem is hair transplantation .
Autologous hair transplantation (transplantation) is also used when the shape and boundaries of beard growth or genetically sparse hair growth in this area are not satisfactory.
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