The final essay is undoubtedly the most difficult part of the exam in English. According to the Rosobrnadzor, in 2018, about 40% of Russian schoolchildren did not cope with this task. Someone makes serious grammatical errors, others do not know how to clearly and clearly express their thoughts in a foreign language, while others have problems with spelling. The result is equally unsatisfactory.
In this article we will describe how to prepare for an essay on the exam in English in 2019, in order to write it for the cherished 14 points.
Features of the job in 2019
Essay or essay - this is the task number 40 of the unified state exam in a foreign language. In fact, this is the most difficult test for a graduate, in which he must express his opinion on the proposed judgment or statement, having complied with the specified number of words. The recommended writing time is 60 minutes.
According to the USE demo version, which is available on the website of the Federal Institute for Pedagogical Measurements, in 2019, students can get the following essay topics:
- Science is the first thing to be financed in the modern.
- An early choice of a career path is the key to success.
Examinee must choose one of the topics and write an essay-argument of 200-250 words. The main task facing the schoolchildren is to correctly and clearly tell whether they agree with the proposed statement, and to explain their opinions reasonably.
At the same time, it is important for children to meet the designated framework: if the amount of work is less than 180 words, the text will not be checked at all; if the essay “stretches” by more than 275 words, the tester will stop at the 250th word and complete the assessment of the essay. Accordingly, in the first case, the student will lose all the work, and in the second - the conclusion. Find more at the LibraryOfEssays.
Essay Evaluation Criteria
When checking the essay on the exam in English, experts evaluate the content and structure of the text, the correctness of the chosen lexical units and grammatical structures, spelling and punctuation literacy. In other words, you need to write properly, structured and strictly on the topic. For compliance with each of these conditions, you can get up to 2-3 points.
Consider in detail each of these five aspects:
- The solution of the communicative problem. To get the maximum number of points on this point, try to meet the specified volume of words and follow a neutral style of presentation.
- Organization. Correctly divide the essay into paragraphs and use elements of logical connection (introductory constructions and link words). Remember that one key thought must correspond to one paragraph.
- Vocabulary. Correctly select and use words. Do not repeat the same lexical units throughout the text - find synonyms and explanation words. Make sentences different in length.
- Grammar. There should be no errors in the text - this applies to the tense forms of verbs, singular and plural nouns, articles, word formation, sentence structure, etc.
- Spelling and punctuation. All words must be spelled correctly and clearly. If the verifier cannot make out the phrase, it is counted as an error. Numerous strikethroughs and corrections also take away points from the overall grade for the work.
Thus, when writing an essay, it is important to remember all aspects that will be taken into account when checking the work. It is worth forgetting about one thing, say about the selection of synonyms, and the essay will not be able to bring you the maximum number of points.

Plan essay on the exam in English
So that schoolchildren can write an essay on the chosen topic in the most logical and capacious way, they are offered a brief work plan:
- Introduction. Mark the key problem.
- Your position. Tell us what you think about this issue, and confirm your point of view with 2-3 arguments.
- Opposite position. Write about other points of view on the designated topic and provide a couple of confirmations in favor of these opinions.
- The reasons for your disagreement with opposing positions. Explain why you do not support other points of view.
- Conclusion Sum up all the opinions noted in the essay and summarize your reasoning.
Experts recommend that you strictly follow the proposed plan, as this will allow you not to miss important thoughts and not “step aside” in the course of writing an essay in English. First, it is better to do the work on a draft, re-read it several times, correct possible mistakes, remove unnecessary and add the missing sentences, and only then transfer the text to the answer form.
Next, we will tell you how to write different parts of the exam essay correctly.
The beginning of the text should consist of literally 2-3 sentences explaining and expanding the selected problem. Do not try to rewrite the title using synonyms, better describe your vision of the situation without a lot of details. Briefly and concisely note the fact that there are different opinions on this topic - this will be enough.
For the introduction, you can use the following structures:
- Some of us are sure / say / believe / consider that…
- Our life is inconceivable / incogitable without… However, many people are skeptical about the importance of / call into question the need of / the benefits of…
- … is becoming more and more popular today. But there are quite a lot of people, who leave its use for the society in serious doubt.
The last sentence of the entry should reflect your position on the indicated problem. You can start the phrase in one of the following ways: "In this essay, try to express your opinion on ... / discuss the problem of ...".
Another option is to immediately emphasize that you plan to explain your position on the indicated issue. So, you can say: "In this essay I will tell you why I think that ...".
Your position
In this part of the text, according to the rules of writing an essay on the EGE, you should express your opinion on the problem and give 2-3 arguments in defense of the designated position. In this case, your explanations should be logical and detailed. It is impossible to write “I think so” or “I think so”, such justifications when checking an essay will simply not be credited.
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