Medical Marijuana
In Ukraine, cannabis is an illegal drug. Despite the relatively low toxicity of cannabis, we do not recommend its use for pleasure. Mainly because you can not get pleasure from a number of physiological reasons, and get big trouble instead. The world is beautiful and you can get a buzz in another way.
If you have any problems or just questions related to taking this drug, or there is dependence on alcohol - call and get advice:
When talking about drugs like marijuana and cannabis, they mean the same drug. When we talk about botany, about plants, usually the word cannabis is used. Cannabis is a genus of flowering plants, which includes three main varieties:
three types of cannabis Cannabis sativa
Cannabis indica
Cannabis ruderalis
All three species came from southern and central Asia. Hemp has been used for hundreds of years to produce fiber and yarn, oil, seeds, for treatment and recreational purposes.
The article is mainly devoted to medical and recreational (for recreation and entertainment) aspects of cannabis.
The word “Marijuana”
The word marijuana, in its current meaning, came from Mexican Spanish. The word spread to other Spanish-speaking countries, and only then it appeared in English and other languages. The word marijuana consists of the words “Maria” (Maria) and “Juana” (“Juan”).
However, the Oxford English Dictionary says that the word originates from the Nahuatl language, spoken by the Indians of Nauja Mexico. In this language the word means “prisoner”. Although not all linguists support this version. The same dictionary says that the term “marijuana” came into use in English in the late 19th century.
What is hemp as a drug?
The drug - cannabis is obtained from hemp genus Sativa or Cannabis indica. The plant is akin to hops and nettles. Hemp grows wild in many parts of the world.
The hemp plant contains more than 400 chemicals, including penicillin-like antibiotics, cannabidiol acids. Chemical derivatives of cannabis can be used both for recreation and for therapeutic (therapeutic) purposes.
As a recreational drug, cannabis can be used in a variety of forms, including:
• as a dried plant (grass)
• Resins
• in the form of a powder
• oils
What are the main active substances of cannabis?
The main active components of cannabis are:
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)
Studies have shown that THC has a mild and moderate analgesic (analgesic) effect, and can be used to treat pain. THC promotes the release of certain mediators in the spinal cord, which leads to pain relief.
Tetrahydrocannabinol stimulates appetite, causes a relaxed state, and also affects the sense of smell, hearing and vision of a person. It can also cause fatigue. In some people, THC can reduce the symptoms of aggression.
Some studies have shown that THC can be used as a remedy to relieve nausea and / or vomiting.
CBD (Cannabidiols)
Laboratory tests on animals showed sedative (calming) effect of cannabidiols. Some studies say that this substance increases the liveliness and clarity of the mind. Nevertheless, experts say that cannabidiols can interfere with the metabolism of THC in the liver and the excretion of THC from the body can slow down.
Some studies also demonstrate the ability of cannabidiols to alleviate the symptoms of nausea, eliminate anxiety, inflammation and convulsions. A number of oncologists believe that cannabidiols can suppress the growth of cancer cells.
Based on the results of recent studies, scientists say that cannabidiols can be useful in treating atypical psychoses in patients with schizophrenia, as well as to alleviate the symptoms of dystonia. Dystonia is a syndrome in which spasmodic muscle contractions occur. Muscle spasms are often unpredictable, change the normal position of the body, can be chronic and cause significant discomfort, pain and disability.
There is another type of cannabis, which the Americans call Skunk. This type contains three times more THC than other species.
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